Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Music Generation?!?!...

Earlier today while driving home, my family and I were listening to a music station, other than K-Love, KSBJ or any other Christian station (I for one like all types of music except rap . Because it is just missing the letter "C". I know bad Stephanie! BAD BAD BAD STEPHANIE!) Anyway as I was listening to this song (I really do not remember who sang it or what song it was) my mom was telling my brother she liked the song.

I simply asked "Why?" and this was her response (or something like it anyway!) "Because it is from my generation." I then said "OK, but why do people say from "my generation"? (I used air quotes) I mean I understand that they (the group) were popular when you were younger, but I guess my question is why do people say things like that if it is music? I mean it is a song and if you like the song it really does not matter what "generation" (again air quotes) it is from, because it is a song! Do you understand what I mean?"

My mom then said "I do. I guess people say that because it is from their generation. Do you understand?" So I said "Yeah, but who cares what "generation" (you readers to me...ENOUGH with the air quotes!) the group is from because they make music. Music is music! If you like it you like it! So who cares what era it is from! I mean it is music for crying out loud! Here is one for you mom, when G (my little sister) is a mom and the Jonas brothers come (my sis, mom and I are BIG fans! The Jonas brothers ROCK!) on and she starts to jam, and then her kids say "mom why do you like this band?"

Will she give an answer like you gave to me or would she say "Because they are a great band the music they made ROCKED!" I am sure she would give that answer because when you love music it does not matter what "generation" you come from because music is music!" then my mom put her hand on my forehead and said "You are wise beyond your years!"

So now dear reader I ask you. Because inquiring minds want to know. What do you think is there a "Music Generation" or is it what I said just music?